Monday, March 2, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Posted by Srikanth

Slumdog Millionaire

5 Critics choice awards
4 Golden globes
7 Baftas
8 Oscars (including the best film and the best director)

What's your opinion?
We, the Indians have already been branded as “Slum dogs”.
I didnot watch the movie before Amitabh Bachahan commented on it. Firstly, I felt bad of him. I thought Amithbh ji was jealous of the film that it could make it to the oscars. Meanwhile the film made 4 golden globes. After that it was set to release in January in India. Hyped well, I watched the movie 'Slumdog millionaire' starring Dev Patel and Freida Pinto. Before watching the movie my expectation was there would be something that would make the movie special. It could contain something in it that would deserve a few applauds. I had a doubt too. With all Indian actors, where has the movie been all these days? I mean why isn't the movie released before it has won the awards and laurels? With all these thoughts in mind I started watching the movie.

Oh hell..! This was my first thought. I with sheer disgust saw the protagonist of the film, jumping into shit and making it to the autograph of Amithabh Bachahan. Then came inter religious fights and the mother of the kid gets killed. By now I had enough. I hesitantly watched the whole movie, not walking out just because I have paid for it.

What does a westerner recollect about slums in India after watching the movie?
"Shit, Poverty, Beggars, Prostitutes, Police and Bad guys (who make children beg on streets)!!!! Ooh, India is such a poor country, you see…They live in their own countries like beggars only." I was very unhappy that nothing good about India was shown in the film. The only good thing shown was an American couple generously donating a $100 note to the kid. I dont argue that these things will not happen there. But want to tell you that some good happens everywhere (even in slums). Great humanities like Mother Teresa worked for the betterment of people in slums. It was very disappointing that the movie did not show any aspect of something cheerful in the film.

How can a 'Slumdog' speak fluent English?
Can a kid, dipped deep in shit can make an autograph from Amithabh? I bet?
If questions are to be asked the list becomes endless.

The good thing of the movie is all the actors of the film are Indians and the bad thing of it is that it is not intended for Indian Audience. I donot criticize the director. He just showed what their country men wanted to see and what they will choose at the oscars.

I'll give 2 stars out of five for the film. One star for AR Rehmans score, a half star for the childrens acting and another half star for the taking. It is a planned attempt to paint us, very badly. The funniest part is that they made us to celebrate this portrait, by giving few awards.

'Indians, No big problem if we skip this movie'.

Jai Ho AR Rehman!

P.S: "Nothing offensive for anyone" . Its only my opinion.


Anonymous said...

hey the leading lady in this movie is "Freida Pinto"... There's an 'e' in freida.. :-).
Yes i do agree with your opinion. But the movie actually portrays how the "Real Slum" looks like in Mumbai. However its sad that movie hasnt highlighted good things about India.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sesha,

The "Real Slum" is not showed in the movie. what is showed in it is the "bad slum".

Anonymous said...

Hi Srikanth,
Its good to see that you have created a blog.
Hope to see more of your postings in the near future. Keep sharing your thoughts.
God Bless "".

All the best.

sathish borlakunta said...

Before the independence westerns used to call as Dogs “Indian Dogs”
Now again they are Calling Slum Dogs.
India has 5 lacks villages, most of them are also have been living in below poverty like slums
Now we are happy with awards…..but why we are calm about their opinion on Indians like dogs

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