Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy 2010

Posted by Srikanth

As 2009 comes to an end and 2010 is just a few hours away, the party mood is already on. Am eager to see what all 2010 have in store for me and possess the same eagerness to give 2010 what I have in store for it. Will keep posting as the story unfolds.
So what is the New Year resolution?
Ans: Will keep a tab on sleeping hours this year. I’m gonna battle with sleep this year. Let’s see who wins.
What are you naming this year?
Ans: 2010 is the ‘Year of Madness’. I want to go mad chasing my dream or get mad if I couldn’t do it. Either way I’m going to be mad. Hence the name.
So here I am shouting from the roof top today so that each and every person in the world hears it.

See you next year,
Srikanth Perath.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Blog

Posted by Srikanth

I'm writing in a new blog.

Catch me at

I feel that blog provider has better features.

Happy Blogging,
Srikanth Perath.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Slumdog- Question Hour

Posted by Srikanth

Q) You didn’t like the title ‘Slumdog Millionaire’. That is why you didn’t like the film.
A) Sounds like you like yourself from being called a ‘dog’!
Q) You are an emotional fool. You cannot accept reality. When someone shows a black mark on you, you cannot take it positively.
A) You are a smart genius to accept the westerners celebrate your poverty.
Q) Why didn’t you like the film?
A) Why did you like it?
Q) The film shows the real picture of an Indian slum.
A) I don’t think so.
Q) Picturization was great!!!
A) I agree. But what is picturized is not so great.
Q) AR. Rehman’s music was exceptional.
A) I have a different view. He has done many scores which are 1000 times better than ‘Jai Ho’ among which none of them was oscared. Personally, Jai Ho was an ordinary song.
Q) Hasn’t the artists been great?
A) Yes they were. Good job. But dude, none of them were even considered for an Oscar.
Q) The concept is superb!
A) Aha.. The concept which shows ‘ONLY” the negatives of Indian slums (and shows it as India), with all the actors being Indians, getting released overseas and not in India looks superb to you. Funny!
Q) The film was not boring throughout.
A) Ah is it! So sweet of you.
Q) So you feel it does not deserve the Oscar and the hype it got.
A) Absolutely.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Posted by Srikanth

Slumdog Millionaire

5 Critics choice awards
4 Golden globes
7 Baftas
8 Oscars (including the best film and the best director)

What's your opinion?
We, the Indians have already been branded as “Slum dogs”.
I didnot watch the movie before Amitabh Bachahan commented on it. Firstly, I felt bad of him. I thought Amithbh ji was jealous of the film that it could make it to the oscars. Meanwhile the film made 4 golden globes. After that it was set to release in January in India. Hyped well, I watched the movie 'Slumdog millionaire' starring Dev Patel and Freida Pinto. Before watching the movie my expectation was there would be something that would make the movie special. It could contain something in it that would deserve a few applauds. I had a doubt too. With all Indian actors, where has the movie been all these days? I mean why isn't the movie released before it has won the awards and laurels? With all these thoughts in mind I started watching the movie.

Oh hell..! This was my first thought. I with sheer disgust saw the protagonist of the film, jumping into shit and making it to the autograph of Amithabh Bachahan. Then came inter religious fights and the mother of the kid gets killed. By now I had enough. I hesitantly watched the whole movie, not walking out just because I have paid for it.

What does a westerner recollect about slums in India after watching the movie?
"Shit, Poverty, Beggars, Prostitutes, Police and Bad guys (who make children beg on streets)!!!! Ooh, India is such a poor country, you see…They live in their own countries like beggars only." I was very unhappy that nothing good about India was shown in the film. The only good thing shown was an American couple generously donating a $100 note to the kid. I dont argue that these things will not happen there. But want to tell you that some good happens everywhere (even in slums). Great humanities like Mother Teresa worked for the betterment of people in slums. It was very disappointing that the movie did not show any aspect of something cheerful in the film.

How can a 'Slumdog' speak fluent English?
Can a kid, dipped deep in shit can make an autograph from Amithabh? I bet?
If questions are to be asked the list becomes endless.

The good thing of the movie is all the actors of the film are Indians and the bad thing of it is that it is not intended for Indian Audience. I donot criticize the director. He just showed what their country men wanted to see and what they will choose at the oscars.

I'll give 2 stars out of five for the film. One star for AR Rehmans score, a half star for the childrens acting and another half star for the taking. It is a planned attempt to paint us, very badly. The funniest part is that they made us to celebrate this portrait, by giving few awards.

'Indians, No big problem if we skip this movie'.

Jai Ho AR Rehman!

P.S: "Nothing offensive for anyone" . Its only my opinion.

The tide seems to be turning in our favor – it looks as if we will indeed see brighter days. I want you all to know that I have never been more proud of anything in my career than to be a Satyamite – especially given what I have witnessed in the face of this crisis. This is a testament to the beauty and strength of the Indian people – so much wisdom has been espoused in these last few days, so much dedication, drive, determination, strength, honor and positivity has been vocalized. I have seen similar situations in America – only to see my colleagues abandon hope and flee like rats from a sinking ship, like lemmings to the sea. Not so in this situation…I am so proud to stand beside you all – come what may, I will forever count myself as a Satyamite – for it has been demonstrated in this past week to be amongst the noblest of titles. Thanks to you all for allowing me into the fold – it is an honor.
Another post by a fellow NRI Satyamite

Dear All,

I am deputed at client location and came across a very interesting conversation in cafeteria yesterday. One of my co-worker, also deputed with the same client through some lesser known two room company, mustered guts to ask me sarcastically in front of entire team, “So, Satyam is gone! What are you guys planning to do now?” In normal circumstances, I have a habit to not to reply to lose talks, but in front of entire team.... I thought I need to fix this guy’s thought process. I asked him, as my military training has imbibed in me the habit to fight till last breadth, “Who says Satyam is gone when I am very much alive here and committed to create value on behalf of my company?”. He shot back, “Hello Mr., your chairman has resigned, you guys are facing financial turbulence and you still have a face to say that Satyam is not gone!”

At this juncture, I thought of replying to this guy in his own language. I asked him, “Tell me, what will you do and where will you go if our country India was not there?” He was not prepared for this level of thought and asked back, “What a stupid question, How can India be gone, it is a country?” I asked him back, “Country! What makes a country? Land? Economy? Our Prime Minister? Our President? Our Geography? Or the PEOPLE? If our PM resigns, will you say India is gone? If our economy faces a slowdown, will you say India is gone? But yes, if the people of a country are lost for any reason, we will say that country has no meaning. Who cares of vast land of Antarctica today which has just one permanent resident, Father Georgy? Which country does it belongs to? Why does not it has any government? Why does not it has any economy? Or, how many countries were there when humans used to hunt for food in pre-historic times? Countries, Wealth, Infrastructures and booming economies are nothing but creations of efforts of PEOPLE, and they do not have any existance on their own. And the final blow was, “When one man can create Satyam as an organization of 53,000 people, why not 53,000 committed people can rebuild one SATYAM?”

By now, I saw my point was well placed and he stood up and shook hands with me and murmured, “Yaar, when I used to hear from my roommate who work in Satyam that EVERY SATYAMITE IS A LEADER, I used to laugh it off. Now, I know why! "

Friday, January 9, 2009

Riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off without being eaten

Posted by Srikanth

I never thought I would start my first posting in my blog on such disappointing occurrences. I always wanted to start this blog on a happy note. But life, as it is ought to be, chose the other way.

Imagining Satyam without Raju as the CEO is like imagining my blog without me as the moderator. Weird! But now a sad reality. I want to pen the happenings of the day (Jan 7th 2009) which every Satyamite cannot forget throughout his/her whole life. The day every employee of this company went dumb struck.
The evening before, everything was as usual. Being a positive thinker, I did not sense any mayhem. I went to bed conscious of picking my parents from Secundrabad station next morning. “8:30 would be the time”. That was my thought about wake up plans. Next morning dad called up, leaving my mobile ringing loud and violent, “We arrived at the station”, he declared. Estimating how many minutes I overslept, I looked at the time on the phone. “7:20”, my phone revealed the mystery. Trust me, of my 22 year old travel experience and 8 years of its own existence, I never dared to dream ‘Simhapuri express’ to be on time. This is how the day started. But it was only a hint of the shock I was just about to receive later in the day.
I was heading for the office as the sun shone bright. As always I was dodging through the traffic, laughing, joking and escaping the Hyd city traffic police all the way. I was conscious of my mobile ringing occasionally throughout the journey (Usually, I don’t pick the calls while driving). I stopped at another location of my office halfway for some work. I could see many of my colleagues gathering all over the place. They looked very tensed and impatient. Suddenly someone called me and I came to know that the chairman has resigned. Thud..! Shocked…!!! Very curious to know about the situation, I finished my work there and rushed towards my location. Even as I reach my work station I can see the resignation letter of the CEO on all the computer desktops. Don’t know where the hell does this letter came to them. Also here, I saw more number of curious groups analyzing the resignation letter (like it was directly addressed to them). Without breaking the tradition I duly opened my mail box and opened the letter. Thud..!! Bang..!!! I was set aback. As I read, the letter stated that the balance sheet has inflated (non-existent) cash, understated liabilities, overstated debtors. In short, the balance sheet shows something far from reality. He quoted handling this gap was like ‘riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off without being eaten’. The chairman had admitted truth and completely took the liability. I read news coming in calling the chair person ‘a fraud’. I couldn’t easily digest that fact. I considered him the hero of the company all through. Suddenly, people started to address him as ‘a fraud’. I couldn’t particularly able to digest that word. Unlike most of the colleagues, I wanted to discuss this privately with some selected colleagues who could tell me what has actually happened, without spreading useless rumors. So four of us started to analyze the situation. None of us (we four) was actually panicking. Within a few minutes, I can see myself among a crowd who centered my manger asking through the happenings. I can clearly see some people worried about the company, their future and the future of our Chairman. People was more worried about the media vilianizing our chairman.

….. To be continued.